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Bridging two countries, BC Offshore schools allow students to gain a better understanding and insight into various cultures and learning styles; preparing themselves for future journeys in an ever globalized world.


BC Ministry of Education website:

BC Global Education Information:





​​​Collaboration in Education

BC and Chinese school staff work together to create a unique learning environment for our students.


As part of the International Department within a Chinese public school setting, our students attend daily BC courses and clubs, yet still join in with main school activities such as daily morning exercises, Sports Meets, evening study sessions, and more. 





Yearly Government Inspections


The BC Ministry of Education, part of the BC provincial government, visits each certified BC Offshore school yearly to ensure students, staff, and administration are abiding by the guidelines set out by the Ministry. Things that they inspect include quality of teachers and staff, curriculum content and development, lesson planning, up-to-date facilities, professionalism, ​



English Immersion


Students learn all their core academic courses in English-Chemistry, Physics, Math, Social Studies, etc. This prepares students to focus and excel in their university studies abroad, rather than struggling to learn new concepts when they arrive. It also allows studies to broaden their understanding of subject areas from both Chinese and English speaking backgrounds.​




International Understanding

Our students are exposed to a variety of cultural differences, not only between China and Canada, but also the world. Canada is a very multicultural country where citizens have learned to live peacefully with each others wonderful differences. Lesson plans, activities, and events often incorporate understanding of various cultural backgrounds.​


Every year, students also have the great opportunity to travel to Canada to attend local high schools, and live with Canadian families. A wonderful opportunity for them to make new friends and expand their educational horizons.​


      我们的学生能够接触到多种文化的差异,不只是中国和加拿大,还延伸至世界范围。加拿大是一个非常多元化的国家, 在那里你可以学会如何与他人和平相处。你可以通过课程计划,日常活动和一些事件来了解多种文化背景。


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